SYNEVIT® Celebrates 25 Years of Synergizing Technology with Nature® in Crafting Cutting-Edge Nutraceuticals for Optimal Human Health

18 November 2023 | Saturday | News

The Health Brand Has Spent a Quarter of a Century Applying Cutting-Edge Science to Natural Supplementation
Image Source : Public Domain

Image Source : Public Domain

 Nutraceuticals may come from natural ingredients, but these require extensive human intervention to turn into effective supplements that are good for humans to ingest. It's easy to lose nutritional value throughout this process, as well, which is why the way supplements are manufactured matters just as much as the ingredients used to make them. At SYNEVIT®, both of these aspects coalesce in the company's motto: "Technology in Synergy with Nature®."

"When you see a company claiming that a supplement is '100% natural," don't believe it," says SYNEVIT® founder George Cvetkovski. "This is a manipulation of the facts. Yes, something might start 100% natural. But to keep it that way, you would have to consume it in its raw, unadulterated state. Once you bring it into a lab to extract its active substances, it isn't natural anymore."

Cvetkovski emphasizes that while pharmaceuticals shouldn't claim to be 100% natural, technically speaking, they can still be made with clean, pure ingredients that are as close to nature as possible. In the case of SYNEVIT®, the company sources pure ingredients for all of its products, many of which are natural or in an organic form, like minerals.

Since the late 1990s, the SYNEVIT® team has used these elite ingredients to create its impactful in-house formulations. The resulting supplements feature balanced formulas that combine synergistic combinations of ingredients. These help with a variety of health concerns, from depression and vitamin deficiencies to pregnancy, UTIs, and osteoporosis.

Along with consulting with both on-staff and third-party doctors and pharmacists, SYNEVIT® team uses the manufacturing technology it has available to create supplements that have high concentrations and slow-release formats. Everything comes in pharmaceutical-grade blister packaging to prevent oxidation and maintain the potency of the active ingredients present.

100% natural may not be a reasonable claim for any nutraceutical brand to make. Nevertheless, this hasn't stopped Cvetkovski and the SYNEVIT® research and development team from creating powerful supplements that are backed by a synergistic alliance of nature and technology, all in the name of advancing human health one dose at a time.


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