GC Biopharma Receives WHO Pre-Qualification for Filling and Finish Plant in Ochang, South Korea

09 February 2023 | Thursday | News

GC Biopharma (006280.KS), a leading provider of biopharmaceutical products in South Korea, announced today that the World Health Organization (WHO) has awarded prequalification to filling and finish plant on February 3 2023, located in Ochang, South Korea.

This plant is the largest filling and finish facility based in South Korea, established in 2019. GC Biopharma installed an isolator facilities and applied a single-use system in the site, and it has state-of-the-art automation facilities that automate the entire process from raw material warehousing to production and shipment. GC Biopharma can produce 300 million doses annually here, enabling CMO of Drug Products (DP) for vaccines (Sterile vials and Prefilled syringe) and non-vaccine filling & finish and packaging.

Based on this PQ certification, GC Biopharma has established a global-level production hub that can manufacture the products at the global standards, to this facility following a vaccine plant located in Hwa-sun, South Korea.

GC Biopharma supplies a large amount of seasonal flu vaccines every year through PAHO (Pan American health Organization) and UNICEF under the WHO and has been supplying more than 50 million doses of flu vaccines even in the COVID-19 pandemic situation for the past three years.

"We hope contribute to advancing global public health based on our know-how and manufacturing capabilities that have produced and supplied vaccines for half a century." said EC Huh, Ph. D., President of GC Biopharma.


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