Forge Health Expands Oncology Program to Integrate Mental Health Care for Cancer Patients

24 April 2024 | Wednesday | News

Focused on veterans and first responders, the enhanced services aim to address the emotional challenges of cancer treatment through personalized, accessible mental health support.
Image Source : Public Domain

Image Source : Public Domain

Forge Health, a trailblazing organization on a mission to make mental health and substance use care effective, affordable, and accessible, announces the expansion of its oncology programming aimed at addressing the crucial intersection of mental health and cancer care. Well-known for its commitment to delivering personalized, evidence-based care through in-person and telehealth treatment options, Forge Health is rolling out specialized mental health services tailored to the unique challenges faced by individuals undergoing cancer treatment.

Cancer diagnosis and treatment often trigger a range of emotional responses and challenges for patients and their loved ones, yet mental health concerns are frequently overlooked in traditional cancer care models. Forge Health is bridging the gap by offering comprehensive support tailored to individual needs.

A cornerstone of Forge Health's enhanced oncology programming is its dedication to serving veterans and first responders confronting a cancer diagnosis due to their exposure to hazardous conditions such as burn pits and the aftermath of the World Trade Center collapse. These individuals face unique challenges that demand specialized support. Forge Health proudly collaborates with partners such as the Department of Veterans Affairs and the World Trade Center Health Program to address their specific needs.

“Our team is deeply rooted in the commitment to serve veterans and first responders, a mission integral to Forge Health's founding ethos," said Eric Golnick, CEO of Forge Health's Veteran and First Responder division. "From our inception, we've dedicated ourselves to understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by those who have served. As someone who actively championed the PACT Act and as a veteran, I've witnessed the toll that burn pit exposure has taken on my peers—too many of whom are now battling cancer. Our program not only acknowledges but embodies this dedication, committing to delivering the respect, care, and support that they, and all who have served, rightfully deserve."

The initiative stands as a testament to Forge Health's dedication to those who have served our country and communities, ensuring that they are not alone in their fight against cancer. By focusing on the unique mental health needs brought on by their service, especially those affected by burn pits and September 11th-related cancers, Forge Health provides specialized support that acknowledges and addresses the full scope of the challenges they face.

"At Forge Health, we believe that mental health is as crucial as physical health, especially for individuals navigating the challenges of cancer," said Guy Maytal, Chief of Integrated Care and Psychiatric Services at Forge Health. "Our expanded Oncology Program reflects our commitment to ensuring that individuals facing cancer and their caregivers receive the comprehensive support they need throughout their journey."

Forge Health's expanded Oncology Program offers a wide array of services tailored to address the unique needs of patients and caregivers. This includes one-on-one support and counseling, flexible care options such as virtual appointments, and specialized support for caregivers.

In its relentless pursuit of effective, affordable, and accessible mental health care, Forge Health remains steadfast in its mission, empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives despite the challenges they may face.


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