Porton Advanced and DanausGT Collaborate on Gene and Cell Therapy Development.

02 March 2023 | Thursday | News

Porton Advanced Solutions Ltd. (Porton Advanced) and DanausGT Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (DanausGT) announced on February 27, 2023, a strategic collaboration in gene and cell therapy pipelines to expedite the development of innovative therapeutics.
Image Source : Public Domain

Image Source : Public Domain

As an end-to-end gene and cell therapy service provider, Porton Advanced CDMO offers comprehensive solutions covering plasmids, cell therapy, gene therapy, oncolytic virus, mRNA therapy, and bacterial therapy. On the other hand, DanausGT focuses on researching, developing, and producing new anti-cancer drugs and rare diseases with gene editing technology. DanausGT has established multiple R&D pipelines, and Porton Advanced will offer gene and cell therapy CDMO solutions to DanausGT, including plasmid, virus, and cell therapy products.

"We are excited to partner with DanausGT as their proprietary CRISPR/AAV technology is widely recognized. Their seven research pipelines are highly competitive, covering all the stages from pre-clinical to Clinical Phase I. Through our end-to-end gene and cell therapy CDMO, we hope to help DanausGT achieve IND approval for multiple pipelines and advance the development pipeline from domestic and overseas into the clinical stage. This collaboration will accelerate the development of innovative CGT therapeutics," said Dr. Wang Yangzhou, CEO of Porton Advanced.

"We are pleased to establish strategic cooperation with Porton Advanced. I believe this partnership will expedite the development of innovative gene cell therapy. We are looking forward to collaborating in more fields," said Dr. Wang Haifeng, founder, and CEO of DanausGT.

During the signing ceremony, Professor Jose Carlos Segovia, co-founder and CSO of DanausGT, presented a lecture entitled "Ex Vivo Gene Editing as a Definitive Cure for Hemolytic Anemias" and introduced the latest research progress of DanausGT. "We make gene editing technology and cell therapy to treat various diseases and work on therapy development for patient-centered care and clinical value. We look forward to collaborating with Porton Advanced to bring innovative biopharmaceuticals to patients earlier and deliver innovative values to society and the industry," Professor Segovia said.


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