The Rapidly Growing Biopharma Industry in Southeast Asia: Which Countries are Leading the Way?

31 March 2023 | Friday | News

The biopharmaceutical industry in Southeast Asia is experiencing rapid growth, driven by a combination of factors including increased investment, government support, and a growing demand for healthcare solutions. While the entire region is showing promise, several countries stand out as leaders in the industry.
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Image Source : Public Domain

Singapore: A Biopharma Hub

Singapore is one of the most prominent players in the Southeast Asian biopharma industry. It has positioned itself as a hub for the development and commercialization of innovative drugs, thanks to its strong research capabilities, highly skilled workforce, and favorable government policies. The country is home to several major pharmaceutical companies and has attracted significant investments from international players such as Pfizer and GSK.

Thailand: A Growing Industry

Thailand is another country that has been making strides in the biopharma industry. The government has been actively promoting the development of the industry, offering incentives to attract investment and support for research and development. The country has a highly skilled workforce and a growing pool of scientific talent, making it an attractive location for biopharma companies. Thailand is also a key player in the production of generic drugs and medical devices.

Indonesia: A Rising Star

Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia and has a rapidly growing biopharma industry. The government has been making efforts to improve the regulatory environment and encourage investment in the industry. The country also has a large and growing middle class, which is driving demand for healthcare products and services. With a population of over 270 million, Indonesia represents a significant market for biopharma companies.

Vietnam: A Promising Market

Vietnam is another country that is showing great potential in the biopharma industry. The government has been investing heavily in healthcare infrastructure and has recently implemented policies to promote the development of the industry. The country has a young and educated population, making it an attractive destination for clinical trials and research. Vietnam is also a major producer of generic drugs and is increasingly becoming a hub for contract manufacturing services.

key players, their innovations, and the SEA countries they operate in:

Company Name Innovation Countries Operated
Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory Gene Editing Singapore
Takeda Pharmaceutical Oncology and Gastroenterology Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam
Biocon Biologics Malaysia, Singapore
Zuellig Pharma Healthcare Services Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
Sanofi Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam
Novartis Oncology and Neuroscience Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam
GSK Vaccines and Respiratory Diseases Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam
Zuellig Pharma Specialty Solutions Group Specialty Healthcare Services Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
Pfizer Vaccines and Oncology Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam
AstraZeneca Oncology and Respiratory Diseases Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam

Note: This is not an exhaustive list and there are many other companies in the SEA biopharma industry making significant contributions to the field.


Leading Biopharma Innovations from SEA Countries

  1. EZH2 inhibitors for cancer treatment - Developed by Singapore-based biopharmaceutical company, Enleofen Bio. The company is working on developing novel therapies for inflammatory diseases and cancer. Its EZH2 inhibitors have shown promising results in preclinical trials for treating certain types of cancer.

  2. Dengue fever vaccine - Developed by Thailand-based biopharmaceutical company, BioNet-Asia. The vaccine, called Dengvaxia, is the world's first dengue fever vaccine and has been approved for use in several countries, including the Philippines, Indonesia, and Brazil.

  3. Oral insulin for diabetes treatment - Developed by Malaysia-based biopharmaceutical company, Holista Colltech. The company's insulin formulation uses a proprietary plant-based technology that allows for oral delivery of insulin. This could potentially revolutionize the way diabetes is treated.

  4. Antibody-based cancer therapies - Developed by Malaysia-based biopharmaceutical company, Biocon. The company's antibody-based therapies have shown promising results in treating various types of cancer, including breast cancer and head and neck cancer.

  5. Stem cell therapies - Developed by Singapore-based biopharmaceutical company, A*STAR. The company's stem cell therapies have shown potential for treating a range of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and spinal cord injuries.

These are just a few examples of the innovative biopharma developments happening in SEA countries. The region is rapidly becoming a hub for biotech innovation and is poised to make significant contributions to the global biopharmaceutical industry in the years to come.



The Southeast Asian biopharma industry is on the rise, and several countries are leading the way. Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam all offer unique advantages for biopharma companies, including strong research capabilities, favorable government policies, and a growing demand for healthcare solutions. As the industry continues to grow, we can expect to see even more exciting developments from this dynamic region.


BioPharma APAC Insight Series


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